Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Slip Sliding Away...

I have been thinking a lot about why I started writing this blog. The purpose was...write about the Lord before I write about NASCAR. Put my energy first into The Gospel, before I even looked at any of my feeds, or did any of the Social Media I do for race teams...etc...etc...If you look at the date of the previous post, you can see how well I have done.
I repent!

Another purpose was to connect with other members throughout the LDS Blogs, keep The Gospel in the forefront. I am on the computer so much, I can get quite isolated, which is:
A. Not very healthy,
B. Not good for the size of my butt.
C. Etc...etc...on and on... Ad nauseum.

So I am committed to once again...Begin the Begin.. Again.

I have lived for several years in a small town in Eastern Oregon, recovering from a very abusive marriage. I am so grateful The Lord placed me where He did. (And He did place me there.) He plopped me right in the middle of no where...knowing that that was exactly where I needed to be, with exactly the people and services He needed me to be with.

Recently He brought me back to Boise. I had been thinking about it, planning it, and praying for a way that I could do the move myself. It seemed an impossible task. I had been laid off my "real" job that paid an hourly wage, didn't have enough hours in the past two quarters to draw unemployment, and had become totally dependent on the Church for my basic needs and necessities.

But He lifted me up and out of there...back to Boise where all my children and grandchildren are. I had Easter, for the first time in years, with all my girls and their families. My best friend since 6th grade has provided me with a beautiful I could never of dreamed of living in. One of my race teams has provided me with a fancy schamcy phone with unlimited everything on it... my needs are met for this month. Things are picking up in my freelance work. I am looking for a "real" job...praying for The Lord to pick the perfect one for me. I know He will provide me with exactly that.

So Onward, Ever Onward... and more later. I have a lot to write, two very important anniversary dates I want to expound upon, along with insights about the lessons and experiences those anniversaries represent to me.

Blessed Be!

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